Squash Watch

At some point in my life, hopefully not far off in the future, I want to have a huge garden full of fresh veggies and herbs. I love the idea of being self-sufficient and growing my own produce is a small step in the right direction.

The only problem is I’ve never kept any kind of plant alive. I usually end up forgetting about them and they waste away to brittle, brown stems.

But not anymore!

I bought some squash seeds and they’re actually sprouting!

I’ve been on squash watch for the past week and was overjoyed to see them sprouting on time. I started them out in this little greenhouse thing I bought at Target in our sun room and transferred them to a planter in our front yard at the beginning of this week. I was so excited to see life that I ran out and bought pepper seeds too.

I will, I will, I will keep these alive.

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